A To Do list is a great thing. It keeps you organized and focused and gives you a great sense of accomplishment as you check something off as done! Research shows that if you make a To Do list every morning, you will actually get more things done during the day. I have to admit that fact came from an independent research study I conducted on myself over the past thirty years.
The only problem with a To Do list is that we usually only list those things we know we are capable of getting done. Again, my research has proven that if a coffee date or a glass of wine is on my list, I usually find time to do those things. So what about the things you need to do, but know you can’t get done? A list works really well when you have a special event like an anniversary, graduation, or a baby shower. There’s the invitations, the menu planning, cooking, baking, gift buying, and wrapping. Then there is the table décor and the perfect punch recipe. The list can be very long. Running out of time? Too busy? Don’t know where to begin?
Let us make your To Do list and then . . . let it be done!