Coffee to start the day! And a very sunny, cool morning too.
Cinnamon rolls for breakfast today. Not homemade. I have not mastered the cinnamon roll yet. I don't really need to when Jan lives 45 minutes away and she can make them for me! Learn to delegate your baking needs, people.
I missed out on all my spring cleaning this spring so today was designated window cleaning day. The girls were quite helpful. They did the blinds and the inside windows first.
Then we moved to the outside and everyone had to have a turn with the hose and the window cleaning pole. Josie kept calling it the window mop. Fortunately, no one was completely soaked when we were done.
Grace changed the water in the fish bowl. We have had this fish for a few months and it still remains nameless. I think we should name him Casserole. Just kidding.
After lunch, the girls decided to sell a little lemonade out front. It
was all fine and dandy until the sprinklers came on and they grabbed
their stuff and ran screaming back up closer to the house.
Cil decided she wanted to take a nap. She didn't actually nap but instead listened to the Secret Garden for a bit before coming back out to see what everyone was up to.
I thought I should start something completely random and unnecessary. Since it looked like rain, I busted out the spray paint to work on a few things the girls had asked me to paint for a project we want to do for their room.
And, why not wash your bike and scooter and trike since it looked like rain?
For supper we ate up some of the fruit and pasta salad left from the wedding catering on Saturday. We also had Kahlua pork from the freezer with Lauren's Zesty Peach BBQ sauce. Then, at 5:00 it was out the door to swimming lessons!
For some reason, I always drive through downtown to get to the Rec Center. Our downtown is lovely and there is tons of art and sculptures and a few great restaurants. Carls Canteen boasts about Made Rites on their front window. They also have Hawkeye and Cyclone flags hanging inside. It is pretty much a win win for me.
Cil is loving swimming lessons. She loves the water. That is her in the mint green, droopy drawers.
It rained. In the afternoon, again in the evening and thru the night. The sun, the clouds and the mountains were absolutely beautiful when I came out of my meeting at church.
So, there you have it. Now, off to get to work on today.
Oh my gosh, Kel. This is my favorite 10 in 10 yet. Window mops and droopy drawers and Maid-Rites and your hilarious commentary. Why don't you do this more often?!
Yay for spring cleaning!
I'll make cinnamon rolls for you any day.
Aw, I miss those girls! (And have I mentioned how much I love your kitchen island?)
Those mint green droopy drawers are adorable. And of course we knew the day started off with one cup of coffee, but how many more did you have throughout the day? Since your house is now clean and spiffy, wanna come help with mine? Please.
Oh, and how was the peach BBQ? I never actually tried any before giving it all away. Oops.
I'm sort of in awe of your spring cleaning. And that your kids are all doing it. Great 10 in 10. Besides, who cheated really but Adriane?
I don't know why I'm just seeing this. I loved your day. I am counting down the days until I have legit window washers. For now we're still mastering dusting and sweeping and putting clothes away in drawers without unfolding it all.
If anyone can pull off droopy drawers, it's Cil!
You should run a week long Camp Kellee and teach me everything I need to know about cleaning and organizing. Loved your day!
I'm going to have to borrow your window cleaners someday so good job teaching them how to git'r done. But what cleaning lady wears a long pink skirt to wash windows?
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