Thursday, May 10, 2012

Back in the day

May is turning out to be quite the busy month. 

The school year wraps up with field day and field trips.
The year end piano recital is fast approaching. 
It's Mother's Day. 
There is a wedding to tend to and Scott's birthday all in the same weekend. 
My sister and brother-in-law's anniversary is coming right up. 
And we have one graduation open house on the calendar at the end of the month.

I know, I am not the only one with a million things going on. I am not complaining, I am just wondering why with all that I still like to wait until the last minute to do everything :)  That is all.

yum, paper cheesecake
So, since I don't have anything fabulous in the works for any of these grand occasions,  here is  the super cute paper cheesecake  and strawberries I made for an anniversary gift a few years back. 

And maybe, if I sit here long enough, I will come up with something new and fabulous and get to work! 


Lauren said...

I still have those out and on a cute pedestal in my living room. Thanks, sis. And good luck getting through May.

Gretchen said...

That is one cute paper cheesecake! You know, recycling some of the oldies but goodies isn't so bad. :)

Mom said...

I love this--and it is low cal too. I have my paper birthday cupcake sitting out and my slice of cake too. I should have a red (red velvet?) one some day I think. And also a lesson. Or just a push.
I could send paper. . .

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